Thursday, January 13, 2011

Debate- THB that it is better to have fun than to work

(I was on the Government side for this debate and I was the Government Whip)

As the last speaker of this debate, I am going to clarify once again our claims on why we biliece that is is vetter to hace fun than to work.

We had 4 claims.
First, we need to play at least a little or else working will Give us mental damage. Our reasoms on this were "working too hard effects your brains negatively and exhausts you." Also, sone eioke becone adicts to their work and take everything too literally according to a website on the internet that we browsed.
Second, working too hard causes physical damage. Our reasons for this is that, too much work a\can result to incurable illnesses. Our other reason is if you work too long without playing ot having fun, some parts of you body ache such as you shoulders, head, fingers, or eyes.
The third claim is social Damage. One of the reasons is that if you don't have fun or play with other people much, then your social relations wit you friends would not be good. Also in connection with our Mental damage claim, you will only think about working, you will only think about your work so you will not have many conversations so your personality would change into someone who is a very quiet and timid person.
For our final claim we say that hacing fun, can also help in Economic Devlopment. We are not saying that we sould not work, we mean that we should have balance in having fun, and working. THat was if people play, they will be less stressed, and they will be able to work well, therefore, causing a rise in our economic development.

Our opposing tean said that if you don't work you can't make money but we defined repeatedly that having fun or restin is what we do between periods of work time. We never said that having fun is playing all day. Plus, the subject of this debate was on mature adults working. Not kids studying. So I think the opposition should stay on the topic. Also, they said that our whip said something that he never said when he was talking. I would also like to point out that he said whatever he needed to because the POI was irrelevant to the topic. I would ask that next time the opposition whip would get their facts right and explain more clearly because it soulds like they don't know what they are saying. We couldn't understand what they were talking about.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, we the government are proud to stand on the side that velieves in fun and not working all the time. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Shout out time! You are among the first to post something from debate! Goooood!
