Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Debate: THB that TV is better than Books.

(I was on the opposition side and was the reply speaker. We did the same topic with 2 teams.)

Hello ladies and gentlemen? My name is Jisue Kang. As the reply speaker, I woud like to summaraze the major clashes and emphasize the points that our team has claimed.

Out arguments were:
#1- Too much TV is not good for people's health, and we supported this argument with arguing that TV harms people mentally and physically.
#2- We spend too much money on TVs. We mainly spend money on 3 main things for TVs. Electricity fees, the after service fees, and the TV itself is expensive.
#3- We can bring books everywhere. However TVs are not portable. Yes, some cellphones have DMB, but not all cellphones have that. Plus, in some areas such as in the high mountains, you cannot get the signal for DMB.

The opposing team's arguments(1st team we were against) were that there are a lot of channels on TV. However we have many types of books too. Also if the opposition says that DMB is a type of TV, than this claim is irrelevant because on DMB, there are only about 5 channels you can watch. They also mentioned that TV gives you pleasure, joy, and happiness. Does that mean books don't give you those? No. There are many fun books too. I would also like to point out that the Deputy Prime Minister mainly talked about smart TVs and the things you can do on them. This is off the topic that we are debating about so it think that with our stong rebuts and claims, we take this debate home. Thank you.

The major clashes were that the opposing team(2nd team we were against) said that TVs were easy to watch. Because they are easier, people would more likely watch more TV or perhaps too much which horms people's health as our Leader of the Oppostion sai. The Government also claims that books aren't good because of comic books. But that doesn't mean that TVs are completely pure either. TVs have many cartoons and comedies that kids like to watch too. They also said that TVs have lots of channels, and buying books to cover that costs a lot. But we rebut this saying that not all channels are all different. Also, one book could cover the information for a few channels which would lower the price significantly. The opposing team states that reading violent books are bad for kids minds. We state that violent TV shows and movies are worse than reading books because people actually can see the violent scenes.

As the last speaker of our team, I would like to emphasize the point that you should start reading books for your own future.

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